National Series
We won the national series.. I say ‘We’ because i needed help to do it. I was consistent in the races that mattered this year but to get the series title is a major achievement and Ill be collecting it on behalf of the team.
Its July and its over
I Called it right… Roadies lose interests after the nationals.. They need a break because they’ve been flogging themselves since november. The cycleways cup seems like a year ago but only happened in the snow… So with this in my thoughts since last year I RAN and SWAM after the RAS… I’m a triathlete at heart..forgive me. I just cant sit idle and wait for the winter to kick in and i like competition too much.. and i’m 35 next birthday… gotta make hay.
Typical me.. I don’t just want to do it for the craic. When i line up, my chips are in.. Swimming might be a problem but soon i realise it isn’t. I swimming better!!..why?? because i learned how to swim again.. I forgot everything , and now I take my own advice I give my athletes I coach and its paying dividends.. Rob Griffiths gives me confidence, back and forth mails help me talk things out. Running… that was a problem… So sore. I’m a big man. raced the road at 93kg this year.. NO speed work… AEROBIC AEROBIC AEROBIC… believe in the program..patience… and bang Im back.. running the same ,swimming the same.. and no speedwork… Bike is good too, Wattbike Wattbike Wattbike.. My methods work and when you believe and trust in what I show you you will improve too.. Forget what you think is right..
Where now.. 2 x half ironman.. need to find new boundaries.. Need a power meter(want a power meter!!) enter BOB cyclepowermeters . 2 races 2 wins. new numbers to work from, happy that i trusted myself and happy i held it together. The borderman (with all due respect ) didnt give myself or Owen much competition but lost sheep did and we both backed up our 1st and 2nd result with very astute race strategies!!! 😉
Now Barcelona Ironman.. October 4th.. SHITE.. Im afraid excited nervous all rolled into one. What do I want?? Simple, I want a solid race.. do I want a time? Yes but the clock looks after itself when you cross the line. I’ll race the race first and stick to my numbers.. what time that gives me I will accept… the 2015 journey continues.
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