Well what a week(last week!!!).. Those of you who know me and have been around me this week know how nuts its been. I will only be too glad to see the back of it and get back training and getting into a routine again. I was one of the co organisers of the dundalk half marathon and 10k road race that was held the other night.. We had a massive crowd and had almost 1500 finishers. This is huge for only the second year of the event. I have to pay tribute to Brian Cafferty for helping me with the race.. I can now says he’s off my speed dial for at least 6 months.. Because thats how long we have been working on the race. I want to say thanks to all the marshals, without them no race can go ahead.. Also a lot of club members turned up on the day for registration and only for them we would of been in trouble!! BIG THANKS(will be onto next year!!) I think I better say thank you to the better half.. Divorce was flurted with at one point.. There are loads more guys and girls who helped out.. I cant name them all or else this would be there blog but one or 3 who were instimental are Alan Gray, Jim Gonnelly & Brianan McBride.. thanks guys.. the rest of ya’s know who you are.. oh.. www.designnorth.com ! Back to me… Since ive turned my back on a full time cycling career its been back to normal as a triathlete.. the change back has been tough.. the running legs are slowly coming back.. It also back to business with Rob Griffiths, my coach.. We had a good aul natter and hugged and kissed and we are ready for 2011.. My focus now isnt to set the world alite.. I have a plan for down the road so the inital half of this year isnt important.. Ive entered a few races with no ephempisis on results. I think last year that wouldnt be an option but a wiser head has changed that. I think(know) im going to go Long… yes long.. I’ve avoided it thus far.. From here its an open book. A case of do the long training and see where I am. I will probably do An Ironman next year so this year is all about building towards that. I might try a tristar event but it has to fit into family life. I dont think I reported the birth of our daughter Éire.. Shes a wee smasher and has a good pair of lungs..
Tour of the Mournes 08th May
This was unexpected result…Although!! Karen did ask me the night before..”So whats the plan for tomorrows race??”.. she never asks me about race stuff but my reply was..”Im gonna try and win”… I didnt believe it myself because I didnt know how the form would be since ive been back running and swimming plus the half marathon stuff. I hadnt a plan as such. Another race I thought and try and learn is what i told myself. I sat at the back for the opening 10 mile or so and watched. To often ive expended too much energy early on and you never get that back in the middle of races when you need it most. The conditions were tough and the roads were rolly. I tried to get a group going 15 mile in. There was a group up the road only 30 seconds ahead.. I chased it down and pulled a few up to it. Nobody came round so I thought I’d put another dig in. I did that and found myself dangling out the front… Bollix to that i thought.. here we go again.. I’ll blow another race!! then a thought came into my head..A Fuck it attitude.. Lets see what ive got.. If I blow I blow.. Remembering Im back being a triathlete and these races are only training!!!!..;-)) (and if you believe that..) Heres a link to the video of the race
I basically time trialled to the finish with 40 mile to go and stayed away. I was/am proud of that win and it certainly wont happen again.. Think I’ll be marked a bit tighter next time..
now there’s a proud dad !